May 17, 2011


WBA is a community association created to pursue the following aims and objectives:
1. Increase community pride and involvement in activities that will enhance and protect the essential character of the Watsons Bay/Camp Cove neighbourhood.
2. Advocate compliance with the key features and spirit of the Watsons Bay Area DCP.
3. Provide a reasoned, community perspective on developments that the group considers endanger the local environment and are not within the spirit of the DCP.
4. Engage as a group with Councillors and staff of Woollahra Municipal Council on issues of major concern to the group. (as well as other stakeholders).
5. Undertake positive initiatives that will increase public knowledge of Watsons Bay/Camp Cove.
A three person Management Committee has been established, with a member undertaking record keeping such as meeting minutes as well as a fourth member managing the association’s financial accounts and statutory filings.
Membership is open to individuals who subscribe to the aims and objectives of the association.
The annual membership fee is $30 per household.

Programs link to our primary objectives to provide a coherent hierarchy of activities and functions.
a. Technical assessment
Objective: To maintain a ‘forward watch’ on planning and related applications. Assess applications for their community impact.
Activity: To review DAs and other planning initiatives. Assess their effect on the local environment and their adherence to the area DCP as well as other building and planning stipulations.
Key activities include:
> Liaison with Councillors and staff on key issues.
> Contact with owners, their architects and advisers.
> Preparation of position papers and media material.
b. Enhancing knowledge of our community
Objective: Raising interest in the unique characteristics of the area, with an emphasis on historical and environmental features.
Activity: Research, design and produce signage and collateral material about the area.
c. Stakeholder relations
Managing relationships with Council and other stakeholders.
d. Campaign taskforces – for specific, major issues
> Preparing position papers
> Lobbying activities
> Petitions
> Gaining support from like-minded organisations
> Media work.
Roger Bayliss
Louise McElvogue
Ron Berkelmans
11th JUNE 2011